What is the Procedure for Fistula Removal Surgery in India?

What is the Procedure for Fistula Removal Surgery in India?

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  • What is the Procedure for Fistula Removal Surgery in India?

Fistulas are abnormal connections between two body parts, often between an organ and the skin. They can cause significant discomfort and serious health complications if left untreated. In India, fistula removal surgery is a common procedure that aims to eliminate these problematic channels and restore normal body function. This blog will explore the details of fistula removal surgery, its various methods, and what patients can expect before, during, and after the procedure.

Understanding Fistula and Its Causes

A fistula can develop due to various reasons, including infection, injury, or chronic inflammation. In the case of an anal fistula, which is most common, an infection in an anal gland leads to the formation of an abscess. If the abscess doesn’t heal properly, it can create a fistula connecting the infected gland to the skin around the anus.

Other causes of fistulas include Crohn’s disease, radiation therapy, and certain surgeries. These conditions lead to persistent inflammation or damage, creating an abnormal passage that must be corrected surgically.

Types of Fistula Removal Surgery

Several surgical options are available for fistula removal in India, depending on the fistula’s type, location, and complexity. The primary methods include:

  1. Fistulotomy: This is the most common procedure where the fistula tract is surgically cut open to allow it to heal from the inside out. It’s effective for simple fistulas.
  2. Seton Placement: A seton, a piece of surgical thread, is placed in the fistula tract to keep it open and allow it to drain. This method is often used for complex fistulas where cutting through the sphincter muscle may cause incontinence.
  3. LIFT (Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract): In this technique, the fistula tract is identified and tied off, minimizing damage to the sphincter muscle. It’s suitable for fistulas that involve a significant portion of the sphincter.
  4. Fibrin Glue or Collagen Plug: These methods involve sealing the fistula with a biocompatible material like fibrin glue or a collagen plug, allowing the tract to close without cutting.
  5. Advancement Flap Procedure: This procedure is used for more complex fistulas. A flap of healthy tissue is taken from inside the rectum and used to cover the internal opening of the fistula after the tract has been removed.
  6. Ayurvedic Kshar Sutra Therapy: An ancient Ayurvedic method, Kshar Sutra therapy, involves using a medicated thread to treat fistulas. This technique is less invasive and is particularly popular in India due to its effectiveness and minimal complications.

Pre-Surgery Preparation

Before undergoing fistula removal surgery, a patient undergoes a thorough medical evaluation. This includes blood tests, imaging studies like MRI or ultrasound, and sometimes an examination under anesthesia to determine the exact location and extent of the fistula. The patient is advised to follow specific dietary restrictions, such as avoiding foods that may irritate the anal area. This may include high-fat, spicy, or acidic foods, also known as anal fissure food, which can aggravate symptoms. Preparing the bowel through a cleansing regimen may also be required.

The Surgical Procedure

The surgery is typically performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the fistula. The chosen surgical method is then applied, which usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour. Patients can expect to spend a few hours in recovery before being discharged, although more complicated cases may require an overnight stay.

Post-Surgery Care and Recovery

Recovery from fistula removal surgery varies depending on the type of surgery performed. Patients are advised to keep the area clean and dry, and follow specific instructions regarding wound care. Pain management, usually with over-the-counter painkillers, is essential in the initial days following surgery.

A high-fiber diet and adequate hydration are recommended to prevent constipation, which can strain the surgical site. Some patients may also be prescribed best ayurvedic medicine for piles to ensure smooth bowel movements and reduce the risk of post-surgery complications. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor healing and prevent recurrence.


Fistula removal surgery in India is a well-established procedure with various methods tailored to the specific needs of the patient. Understanding the different surgical options and what to expect can help patients feel more confident and prepared for their journey toward recovery. Whether through modern surgical techniques or traditional Ayurvedic methods, India offers a range of solutions to effectively treat fistulas and improve patients’ quality of life.

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