Is fistula in ano painful ? what are the symptoms of fistula in ano?

Is fistula in ano painful ? what are the symptoms of fistula in ano?

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Is fistula in ano painful ? what are the symptoms of fistula in ano?

Fistula in ano is an abnormal connection between anal canal and skin near the anus. Most of them are formed from anal glands infection that spread to skin. This condition is characterized by pus discharge, severe pain and level of discomfort varies among individual patient. Some patient may requires injectable painkillers or hospitalization for severe cases.


Common symptoms of fistula surgery in ano include persistent pain ranging from dull aching to severe which makes sitting and daily activity challenging. Additionally there is pus discharge or blood mixed pus discharge that doesn’t respond to antibiotics or other medication. Swelling and redness in affected area is also common with occurrence of fever in some patients.

If you suspect you have a fistula in ano it is important to consult a proctologist for proper evaluation and treatment. Delaying treatment only increase your suffering and potential risk to your health. It aggravates the condition and lead to spread of infection to surrounding tissues. 

Treatment options of fistula in ano are surgical removal. Ayurveda – the Indian system of medicine is having a very promising treatment named KSHAR SUTRA. KSHAR SUTRA is a parasurgical technique which is having the highest success rate in fistula in ano treatment Mohali.

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